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Pyramid Gold Flatwound Strings

Pyramid Gold Flatwound Strings

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.010-.0465 stock 0 pcs
.011-.048 stock 0 pcs
.012-.052 stock 0 pcs
.013-.052 stock 1 pcs
.013-.056 stock 2 pcs


The ultimate musical string. The Flat Wounds are the best of the best --without peer -- no one else makes this type of string anymore!!

Excellent for all types of music , brilliant with the warmth of pure nickel , flat wounds with 'twang', lush upper harmonics , long sustain , extreme long life , great smooth feel , perfectly balanced , extra musical , a joy to play, these are the Rolls Royce of guitar and bass strings. The flat wounds produce exactly Beatles, Rolling Stones, Beach Boys sound etc. early to middle 60's ( great for all kinds of music).

They are a very bright pure nickel flat wound with absolutely remarkable musical qualities. They do produce a percussive sound upon attack with a pick as flat wounds do.

They are just amazing strings that take 3-4 days to arrive at their final best tone and timbre and then stay that way for an unreasonably long long time. They sound like The Beatles recordings from early to 1966-67 or so. That is exactly the sound they make. They are the strings that made the music in the first place!! They are absolutely wonderful for all types of music--everything sound better than ever before!!

With the flat wounds you can have a lower action than is possible with round wound strings & also you get no finger noise!!

6-string guitar sets

6-string E-1st B-2nd G-3rd D-4th A-5th E-6th
light .010 .013 .019w .030w .035w .0465w
medium .011 .015 .020w .030w .035w .048w
med/heavy .011 .015 .024w .033w .042w .052w
heavy .013 .017 .024w .033w .042w .052w

Also featuring True Vintage .013-.056


The secret on recreating the true vintage tone is to use the pure nickel flat wound strings. The best 50ᄡs and 60ᄡs strings were pure nickel and flat wound. Pyramids are just like the strings The Beatles and other great bands and artist used in 50ᄡs and 60ᄡs. If you have tried the flatwounds made after early 70ᄡs, Pyramids are not a bit like those, most modern flatwounds are made from steel and sound very dull, nothing like the rich brilliant and musical tone and tibre of Pure Nickel Flatwound Pyramids.

PYRAMID strings are the highest possible quality , hand wound/made, and the result of 150 years of hand making string experience!!

PYRAMID strings are, as exactly as is possible, the same as they were in the late 50ᄡs and 60ᄡs. There is only one way to produce the finest strings, by hands. The difference is that hand wound made by master stringmakers are more flexible strings /more free to vibrate than any machine made string ever can be. No one has ever been able to make a machine that can duplicate what a master stringmaker can do by hand. Silk is wound around the ball end of each string. This silk effects the overtone structure of each string. This improves the harmonic structure of your guitar's tone by dampening unwanted harmonics that are generated on the string in the area between the bridge and the tail stop.

Extra care has been in designing the right core wrap ratios and the balanced set. In the .010-.0465 set there is a .0165 plain G3rd because the .0165 intonates better /properly more so than a .016 or .017 and it plays like a .016 but sounds like a .017, and the .0465 is just the right gauge for perfect low E, not 046 or .047.

PYRAMIDS are a suber quality, premium string and may be considered expensive compared to the many economy brands on the market but may give players the sound they have been seeking for years and last 4-10 times longer (round wounds 3-4X , the flat wounds 5-10X longer) than most other strings. PYRAMID strings are actually an exceptional value in this light.

Most important, however, is that they are the type of strings (construction, material, gauge and tone/timbre) that created the music and sound of the 50ᄡs and 60ᄡs in the first place.


It is no secret that strings make the most rapid and radical change of almost any of the many factors that make up 'tone'. The spectacular musical tone and tibre of PYRAMID strings is as a result of the finest materials being blended by masters of the string makers art.

Pure nickel flat wounds and smaller core/heavier nickel wrap round wounds used to be available from several makers. This is no longer true!! Expanding market demand for increased quantities of strings, faster production and lower prices, resulted in extinquishing the capability and desire to make these type of strings, among the worldᄡs string makers, for the most part.

PYRAMID in contrast, has made only the highest quality strings possible since 1850 and continues to do so today. PYRAMID Gold pure nickel flat wounds are some of the most favous and loved guitar and bass sounds / tones of all time. PYRAMID Maximum Performance pure nickel round wounds are also about one third lower in tension than other strings of the same external guage. This is the result of PYRAMIDᄡs use of smaller higher quality core wire and a larger diameter wrap of expensive pure nickel. This is what creates the superbly balanced and remarkable tone and timbre of these strings.

The Plain strings are a special alloy-silver plated. They are different for any American make. They ring like bells and make a beautiful sound, a musical sound no matter how hard or soft you hit them. In contrast to most trebles that honk back at you with a very harsh and unmusical sound if you pick them really hard. PYRAMID trebles never do that--they sound great all the time.

PYRAMID makes only small production of these finest strings and there are limited number of dealer in the world, we are happy to be your dealer for these ultimate strings. Great tone starts from great strings.

Here might be the answer to your search of Holy Grail of Guitar Tone, the tone starts from strings, itᄡs the vibration of strings on your great guitar that is amplified by your dream amp.


Pyramid Gold Flatwound-kielet, jotka on punottu litteällä punoslangalla. Ylivertaisen musikaaliset kielet. Pyramid Gold Flatwound -kielet ovat yksinkertaisesti parhaista parhaimmat - kukaan muu ei tee enää tällaisia kieliä.

Mahtava soundi jossa nikkelin lämpöä, on 'twangia' ja rehevät ylä-ääniharmoniat, pitkä sustain ja upea soittotuntuma. Pyramid Gold-kielet kestävät pitkään, ovat täydellisesti balansoidut ja erinomaisen musikaaliset. Kehusanat loppuvat kesken kun yrittää kuvailla näitä kitaran ja bassonkielien Rolls Royceja. Näissä kielissä on se The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Beach Boys jne. 1960 -luvun alun soundi. Kuuntele The Beatles levytyksiä vuosilta 1962-1967 kuullaksesi miten nämä kielet soivat.

Pyramid Goldit ovat erittäin kirkassoundiset nikkelikielet, ja ne soivat aivan eri tavalla kuin voisi kuvitella flatwound -kielien soivan (flatwound -kieliä sanotaan suomeksi usein hiotuiksi kieliksi, Pyramid Goldit eivät ole hiottuja vaan punottu litteällä nikkelilangalla), ja ovat uskomattoman musikaalisia. Karkeasti voisi verrata että nikkelikielet soivat kuten putkivahvistin ja teräskielet kuten transistorivahvistin. Flatwound -kielillä voit laskea myös kielet alemmaksi ilman rätinöitä eikä sormien liikuttelun äänet haittaa hiljaisemmissä biiseissä.

Nämä kielet tuottavat perkussiivisen soundin plektralla soitettaessa, joka on ominaista tämäntyyppisille kielille. Soundi on todella upea ja se kestää ottaa yleensä noin 3-4 päivää ennen kuin nämä kielet soivat parhaimmillaan ja soundi säilyy sellaisena suorastaan älyttömän kauan. Jotkin jazzkitaristit vaihtavat Pyramid kieliä vain kerran vuodessa! Näillä kielillä pop- ja rock-musiikki luotiin. Ja ne soivat hienosti myös tänään.